
Björk is one of the very few artists that has been able to break my “emotionless” character and bring me to tears. Songs like Hyper-ballad and Ancestress never fail to break me. The combination of her way with words and her hability to always nail the aesthetic for the moment, makes her music something that, to put it plainly, surpasses art.

# Hyper-ballad

Bubbly. Coming out in 1996, really nails that so called “y2k” aesthetic. I can’t put into words how good this song is…

# Ancestress

This one incredible. Wonky rythmical passing, beautiful lyrics, and outstanding vocal arrangment.

# Venus as a boy

Yes, the one with the egg. I love that super sweet arpeggio.

# Mutual Core

From cute songs to bass music. From eggs to rocks. I really like the harmony here.

# Atopos

From bass music to Industrial Reggeaton? This one is weird, in a Björk way.

# Earth Intruders

This one is fun. Super groove.

# It’s in Our Hands

You can’t listen to this and tell me this isn’t next year’s Greatest Hit or next decade’s or next century’s.